the bee monitoring workshop 3+4/2

A workshop in which we try to understand the distributed intelligence of social insects (here a bee colony) : their behaviour, ecology and sociobiology. By monitoring the bees and beehives with all kinds of sensors, we study the colony as a community. We will document this research with all kind of media (photo, film, audio, text, code) and we will use the extracted data to make artworks based upon the bees behaviour over time. We try to connect nature and technology in a new relationship of interconnections.

IMG_1037 IMG_1044 IMG_1053 3ddrawing bees2
IMG_1086 IMG_1087 IMG_1088 IMG_1103 Screenshot-6
IMG_1103 IMG_1108 IMG_1104 IMG_1120 IMG_1121
IMG_1131 IMG_1130 sensor_frame_v2.2 sensors_frame_updated Truncated_rhombic_dodecahedron2

To schedule our research and for purposes of documentation, we devide the work into 4 parts, which all will have their pages on the wiki where participants can add information:
1. The Theory + Reading List
2. The new BeeHives
3. The Data Harvesting (Technology)
4. The Artworks and Projects
You can find all info here: