2025 – Collectible Brussels (Vanderborght building, Brussels)

The Reality of the Virtual. Imagine a dimension between actualization and imagination, between the frictionless intellect and the body-bound world. Virtual reality, that newest of technologies, uses spatial tracking to virtualize a user’s finger movements, returning the hand to its pre-digital role as a designer’s primary instrument. As we enter the age of VR, AR, and AI, sculptural designers will find that the space of continuum between mental conception and physical execution is more broadly relevant than ever before. The physical workshops of makers are less and less plausible as a binary opposite of office-bound design practices. COLLECTIBLE’s Curated section this year is a presentation of works that bring to bear digital technologies and embodied knowledge alike.

Title: Microbial Ancestors (pink); year: 2023; materials: tapestry woven on Dornier Jacquard weaving machine with a range of organic fibers; dimensions: 170cm x 225cm; realized with Marjan Van Oeffelt at TextielLab Tilburg (Nl)