the P2P Food Lab project

The project develops a Collective Awareness Platform for peer-to-peer urban food systems, called P2P Food Lab. The platform supports urban gardening, collective decision making, citizen science, and knowledge creation for all aspects of urban food.
A P2P Food Lab integrates open greenhouses, sensors, DIY processing boards, telecommunication networks, pattern recognition, statistical analysis, phone apps, wikis, and visualization tools. The platform uses social media for the bottom-up organization of cooperative activities and the gathering of knowledge. The project develops viable economic models and paradigms for governance based on participatory democracy and self-organization and incorporates them in the platform for the community planning and food distribution.
The project networks cases in Barcelona, Brussels and Paris and studies the social innovation triggered by P2P Food Labs in new or existing urban food communities. All communities consider the full cycle of urban food systems (from production to waste). The project tests whether P2P Food Labs improve the quality of food production, lead to greater sociality, and provide adequate data for citizen science. Artistic methods are used to create a space for the needed disruptive action and to produce effective representations of the results.

The Urban ArtFarm community participates in the P2P Food Lab project :
Our Partners:
valldaura permaculture project