Catalogues and printed documentation of exhibitions
Alchimia Nova - La Kunsthalle, Mulhouse, Feb-April 2023
Anne Marie Maes est une artiste que l’on peut rattacher au genre art et science. Elle développe depuis de nombreuses années un travail qui s’appuie sur la recherche scientifique, la biologie, l’étude des micro- organismes d’une part, les sciences numériques et la passion du jardinage d’autre part.
Abstracte Kunst bestaat niet - Galerie Emergent, Veurne, 2021-2022
In deze groepstentoonstelling presenteren we kunst die zich verhoudt tot de vele abstracties die onze levens beheersen. En dat terwijl het onmogelijk is om een abstract kunstwerk te maken.
Woven by Nature - iMAL, 2021
In an era where anthropocentrism defines more than ever the relationship we as humans build with nature, shifting the centre of attention can become a revolutionary act.
Sensorial Skins - Pilar, VUB, 2021
Sensorial Skins presents investigations into the sculptural potential of organic materials. AnneMarie Maes transforms them into fabrics, membranes and biofilms. She thus creates complex surfaces that arouse our senses through their materiality, their texture, their colours and smells.
Siva Zona - Grey Area: Discourses, 2021
Grey) (area – space for contemporary and media art was inaugurated in Korčula in summer 2006 upon the initiative by the artist, designer, and curator Darko Fritz from Zagreb. In 2009 grey) (area was formally registered as a non-governmental organization and today it has nine members. Sonja Leboš joined in 2013 as project manager.
Un/Green Festival Riga, 2019
The 2019 RIXC Festival aims at complicating the pervasively employed notion of ‘green’ by providing a cross-disciplinary platform for discussions and artistic inter- ventions exploring one of the most paradoxical and broadest topics of our times. The festival features the UN/GREEN exhibition at the Latvian National Museum of Art, and the 4th Open Fields conference that aims to ‘un-green’ greenness, eco-systemically reconnect post-human postures, and discover and unpack 'Naturally Artificial Intelligences'.
Eco-Visionarios, Laboral, Spain - 2019
The exhibition Eco-Visionaries is dedicated to the topic of ecological change and presents artistic responses to current challenges.
How are new media, technologies and technology-scientific methods used in the arts to draw attention to pressing ecological issues? What visionary projects and ideas are emerging to tackle climate change, food shortage and resource depletion? Which solutions are worth pursuing?
Leve[n]de Kunst, Academie voor Wetenschappen & Kunsten, 2019
Wanneer kunst, wetenschap, design en technologie hun krachten bundelen, komen ze tot prikkelende en wederzijdse inzichten. De beelden, gedachten en producten die eruit voortkomen verruimen zowel de kennis, de verbeelding als de toekomstperspectieven. Leve[n]de Kunst: ontmoeting tussen kunst, design en (micro)bio(techno)logie.
Intelligent Beehives as predicates for Metabolic Architectures, 2019
Theory-driven architecture may be organized to encode and set procedures for research-by-design seeking data from prototyping as an extension of art. Through art, a research scaffold may emerge for exploratory architectural experimentation and discussion. Associatively, interlinked sets of observational data, sensor readings, laboratory tests, environmental analysis, and fablab models permit potential hybrid materials to embed data for exchange between science, design, and urban sites.
Imagining Cities beyond Technology 2.0, 2019
Technology has been a crucial element in preparing cities for a turbulent future. This is why Brussels in SongEun: Imagining Cities beyond Technology 2.0 engages in a socio-political discourse that involves contemporary visual artists in facing this issue -the question of what constitutes a desirable 'intelligent' city in a time of technological revolution?
For a Brave New Brussels - catalogue, 2018
For a Brave New Brussels (Maat, Lisbon Oct/Nov 2018) is an exhibition and discussion platform that stimulates the discourse around ‘Smart Cities’. Since its early days, the application of new digital technologies to urban spaces and pro- cesses has been celebrated for its ability to increase the well-being of citizens, but this engagement has mostly been limited to a technocratic focus on energy systems, mobility and building efficiency. It has privileged ...
Hybrid Labs Symposium - Aalto University, 2018
Between May and June 2018, the prestigious Aalto University hosted the “Hybrid Labs Symposium 2018”. For several years, design, digital media, audio-visual representation methods, architecture, emerging technologies and urban planning have been an integral part of Aalto University’s agenda, incorporating experimental research. These fields contribute to an interdisciplinary debate starting from the hybrid, which is understood as an actual state in which everything can be recognised: languages, academic disciplines, professions and life itself.
Miró Foundation - Where are the bees? (2017)
Beehave explores the right of honey bees to inhabit urban spaces, the coexistence of the city's desired and necessary biodiversity with the artificial elements of the urban landscape.
Nova XX - catalogue, 2017
A forum dedicated to innovation by women in technology, science and art at the dawn of the fourth industrial revolution / 4.0. The first edition of Nova XX will happen in Brussels from 9th to 30th December 2017. The main events include an exhibition of 9 installations by artists from Brussels and elsewhere in Europe, as well as
Beaf Bozar. Tendencies - catalogue, 2017
The Tendencies exhibition unites contrasting narratives of some of the most interesting and intriguing voices in Belgian arts. Tendencies presents artworks that ‘use’ or ‘comment upon’ the latest evolutions in science and technology. Tendencies puts emphasis on works which question scientific and technological innovations as much as they incorporate them.
Foraging Fields - catalogue, 2014
Catalogue accompanying the installation Foraging Fields which is developed for the exhibition FIELDS - curated by Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits (Rixc) and Armin Medosch. The FIELDS exhibition is one of the major exhibitions of Riga– European Cultural Capital 2014. It runs from 15/5/2014 to 4/8/2014 at the Arsenals Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Arts Museum. The landmark exhibition shows approximately 40 artworks by international artists focusing on art/science interactions and ecological issues.
Annemie Maes studies the co-evolution b...
Scientific Inquiries - catalogue, 2013
Seven research-based artists were invited to Koç University to meet with researchers from various fields to develop artistic projects which are engaged with the outstanding researches that are being conducted in the university. At first, huge amount of researches were presented by Koç University to the artists and the curator, then, 33 researchers, whose researches are in synch with the artists’ area of interest, were selected by the curator. After attending a set of meetings both with the curator and the researchers in a period of ...
Creating Ecological Corridors in Cities - essay, 2013
AnneMarie Maes is representative of a new wave of artists for which art is life and life is ecological.
This direction of work is of course not entirely new. It is the visionary 20th century artist Joseph Beuys who already in the nineteen sixties showed the need for a radically different kind of art. He argued forcefully against the wasteful use of natural resources and in favor of a social humanitarianism that tries to connect individuals back to their communities and to the ecosystems on which human life depends....