Publications by AnneMarie Maes & art collective OKNO

Matter of Kinship - fieldnotes  (Stolen Books, Pt - 2024)

Matter of Kinship - fieldnotes (Stolen Books, Pt - 2024)

title: Matter of Kinship; editors: Elsa Garcia, Oliver Leistert ; authors: Anne Marie Maes, Jonathan Minchin, Luc Steels, Teresa de Albuquerque, Alvaro Garcia de Zúniga ; distribution: Stolen Book Portugal; ISBN: 978-989-35589-0-4
This publication -a visual essay- is one of the outcomes of Anne Marie Maes' residency at the Casa de Mateus Foundation. It complements the exhibition 'Matter of Kinship' / 'Matéria de Afinidades'. Artist Anne Marie Maes installed her mobile studio on the grounds of Casa de Mateus. She carefully observed the different ecologies and responded with interventions to the specific aspects of the vast domain. With her work, she subtly introduces angles that show the site from a new perspective.
Hamburg Machine Revisited - publication by Adocs Verlag 2022

Hamburg Machine Revisited - publication by Adocs Verlag 2022

title: Hamburg Machine Revisited; editors: Isabella Kohlhuber, Oliver Leistert ; authors: Érik Bordeleau, Michael Dudeck, John Gerrard, Christian Huck, Francis Hunger, Nina Kalenbach, Oliver Leistert, Isabell Lorey, AnneMarie Maes, Britta Peters, Martina Raponi, Marius Skroče, Sue Spaid, Axel Stockburger, The Silent University (Abimbola Ayodele, Salah Zater), Kathrin Wildner, Inga Wellmann.; distribution: Adocs Verlag Hamburg; ISBN: 978-3-943253-40-5
In its second term from 2018 to 2020 with the title HAMBURG MASCHINE, the urban initiative project "Stadtkuratorin Hamburg" revolved around the theme of digitality in the context of art in the public sphere. This publication documents, updates, and expands the program developed and curated by Dirck Möllmann.
Hiperorganicos - Reconexoes ancestrofuturistas

Hiperorganicos - Reconexoes ancestrofuturistas

title: Hiperorganicos - Reconexoes ancestrofuturistas; Editor: Carlos Augusto M. da Nóbrega, Fabiane M. Borges, Maria Luiza P.G. Fragoso; authors: distribution: Rio Books, Rio de Janeiro; ISBN 978-85-9497-055-8/
Este livro é um projeto editorial resultante das atividades de pesquisas realizadas no NANO – Núcleo de Arte e Novos Organismos / EBA-UFRJ, laboratório criado em 2010 pelo artista-pesquisador Carlos Augusto (Guto) M. da Nóbrega, coordenado desde então junto com a também artista-pesquisadora Maria Luiza (Malu) P. G. Fragoso. O laboratório NANO atua no âmbito da graduação, e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais, da Escola de Belas Artes, na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
Eco-Visionaries - Lisbon, Basel, Gijón, publication 2018-2019

Eco-Visionaries - Lisbon, Basel, Gijón, publication 2018-2019

title: Eco-Visionaries; editor: Pedro Gadanho; authors: Amale Andraos, TJ Demos, Matthew Fuller, S.Johanson, M.Pestana, Yvonne Volkart, L.Weintraub; distribution: Hatje Cantz; ISBN: 978-3-7757-4453-9
The exhibition Eco-Visionaries is dedicated to the topic of ecological change and presents artistic responses to current challenges. How are new media, technologies and technology-scientific methods used in the arts to draw attention to pressing ecological issues? What visionary projects and ideas are emerging to tackle climate change, food shortage and resource depletion? Which solutions are worth pursuing?
Bee Writings - Beehave @ Fondation Miró, 2018

Bee Writings - Beehave @ Fondation Miró, 2018

editors: Fundació Juan Miró, Barcelona; authors: Martina Millà, Xavier Theros, Domenic Leo, Jorid Bosch, Jaume Cambra, Anna Febrero; title: Bee Writings ;distribution: Miró Foundation ; ISBN: 9788416411 40 5
One could say that ever since Joseph Beuys adapted the theses of Rudolf Steiner, the author of a series of famous lectures about bees, the importance and symbolism of these insects has been widely examined by contemporary artists.
Fair/Fear. Resonances II - publication, 2017

Fair/Fear. Resonances II - publication, 2017

editors: Adriaan Eeckels; authors: A. Eeckels et al.; title: Fair/Fear. Resonances II.; distribution: Publication Office of the European Union; ISBN: 978-92-79-71773-4
Can artists collaborate with scientists and policy makers? That is the question the European Comission's Science and Knowledge Service, the Joint Research Centre or JRC, put itself. The JRC wanted to understand if the rapprochement between art and science of the last decades could help it to adapt to changing times, to refine its policies and reach out to the public.
Ecovention. Art to transform ecologies 1957-2017 - publication, 2017

Ecovention. Art to transform ecologies 1957-2017 - publication, 2017

editors: Sue Spaid; authors: Sue Spaid; title: Ecovention Europe. Art to transform ecologies 1957-2017; distribution: Museum De Domeinen, Sittard; ISBN: 9-789075-883565
This section introduces ecoventions as a subset of land art, presents a succinct chronology of the past 60 years of ecological events in Europe and describes the global art scene that inspired the 2002 exhi- bition “Ecovention: Current Art to Transform Ecologies,” as well as what transpired afterwards.
CyberArts Publication - Ars Electronica, 2017

CyberArts Publication - Ars Electronica, 2017

editors: Jutta Schmiederer; authors: the artists, the curators; title: CyberArts 2017; distribution: Hatje Cantz Verlag; ISBN: 978-3-7757-4336-5
The CyberArts exhibition at the OK Center for Contemporary Art (Sept.7-Sept17, 2017) features the best works singled out for recognition by the 2017 Prix Ars Electronica. The world’s most coveted prize honoring creativity and pioneering spirit in media art has been awarded annually since 1987.
Renewable Futures (essay Sound Beehive) - publication, 2017

Renewable Futures (essay Sound Beehive) - publication, 2017

editors: Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits, Armin Medosch; authors: many, p171 AnneMarie Maes, the Soundbeehive Experiment; title: RENEWABLE FUTURES. Art, Science and Society in the Post-Media Age; distribution: RIXC, ISBN: 978-9934-8434-6-4
With this Renewable Futures volume, we begin a new series of Acoustic Space, that will focus on exploring the transformative potential of art in the post-media age. Our book presents the research and practices that aim to invent new avenues for more sustainable and imaginative future developments. The papers from the 1st Renewable Futures Conference selected in this volume are aimed at shaping new contact zones between traditionally separated domains – art and science, academic research and independent creative practices, sustainable businesses and social engagement in the 21st century.
Resonances I : FOOD - publication, 2016

Resonances I : FOOD - publication, 2016

editor: Resonances team, author: many title: FOOD, distribution: JRC Ispra, ISBN:978-92-79-64409-2
The book, an art book on food, is based on material gathered during RESONANCES I, an ad hoc project organized by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission at the occasion of the Universal Exhibition EXPO 2015: Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. The material has been deconstructed and reconstructed into a new narrative that evokes the need of considering food not only as a mere scientific, technical and commercial matter of fact but also as a social, cultural and political matter of concern.
Alchimia Nova - publication, 2016

Alchimia Nova - publication, 2016

editor: AnneMarie Maes, authors: Luc Steels, Armin Medosch, Darko Fritz, Edith Doove, AnneMarie Maes, title: Alchimia Nova, distribution: MER.Paper Kunsthalle -ISBN 9789492321480
AnneMarie Maes is a multi-media artist who has been studying the tight interactions and co-evolutions within urban ecosystems. In the open-air lab on the rooftop of her studio, she created an experimental garden and has been keeping bees in self-designed beehives, equipped to bring out hidden structures in the life of the colony. Her “field notes” provide an on-going source of inspiration for her artworks.
the Transparent Beehive Notebook, updated - publication, 2016

the Transparent Beehive Notebook, updated - publication, 2016

author: AnneMarie Maes, editors: AnneMarie Maes, title: the Transparent Beehive Notebook, ISBN 9781364475666
AnneMarie Maes studies the tight interaction between city honeybees and urban ecosystems. Her preoccupations with bees come from a fascination with these amazing insects: the way their bodies look and function, they way they organize their complex societies, and the way they explore their environment.

Ignorance - publication, 2015

Ignorance - publication, 2015

authors: the artists of the ALOTOF-consortium, editors: Giván Belá and AnneMarie Maes title: IGNORANCE, ISBN 9789491775987
A collection of plans, descriptions of art works, pictures of events, creative texts and drawings, made by an international group of artists about issues in environments and art. The initiative 'A Laboratory on the Open Fields' (ALOTOF) was working outside the general and accepted lines of conventional creativity, trying to investigate new forms and methods for an ecological media art.
the Transparent Beehive Notebook - publication, 2013

the Transparent Beehive Notebook - publication, 2013

author: AnneMarie Maes, title: the Transparent Beehive Notebook, published: 2013, ISBN 9789081898515
The Transparent Beehive Notebook gives an overview of the Transparent Beehive Project. It describes in words and images the intense process of Bee Monitoring and the close collaboration with numerous colleague artists, scientists, engineers and beekeepers. The relation bees and flowers is an evident one and is never far away in this notebook. In an artistic way and starting from hands on experiences as a beekeeper, I give an account of the building of monitoring systems and their implementation in the beehives at the open field labs. Working with the collected...
TIK Ideas :  Travelling Through Open Greens - publication, 2012

TIK Ideas : Travelling Through Open Greens - publication, 2012

author: AnneMarie Maes, title: Travelling through OpenGreens, published: 2012, part of Time Inventors Kabinet-publication (TIK), editor: OKNO Brussels
1. TIK ideas 1.6 Thinking of the Garden 1.6.1 definition of a non-garden like 1.6.1.a Travelling through OpenGreens
Connected OpenGreens - publication for Burning Ice #4, 2011

Connected OpenGreens - publication for Burning Ice #4, 2011

author: AnneMarie Maes, title: Connected OpenGreens, published: 2011, as documentation and artwork for my contribution to the festival Burning Ice 2011 (Kaaitheater, Brussels) , editor: SO-ON Brussels
This fourth edition of Burning Ice -'It's the economy, stupid!'- will be built up around the theme of economy. Climate change confronts us with the consequences of our actions. It turns our world-view with its endless growth completely upside down. Our civilisation appears to be underpinned by waste, excess and fundamental inequality.

Continuum Cinema : the Vision Machine – publication, 2004

author: AnneMarie Maes, editors: AnneMarie Maes, title: Continuum Cinema: the Vision Machine; VUB press 2004
Continuum Cinema : the Vision Machine is een onderzoeksproject naar de productie-, presentatie en perceptie van collaboratieve werken in de hedendaagse kunst. Cinema moet hier gelezen worden zoals gedefinieerd door Peter Greenaway : “de totale som van alle technologië die ingezet worden ter bevordering van het bewegend beeld : film, computer en digitaal beeld, en structuren als gesproken en geschreven woord, acting, montage, klank en licht.” Het is een ruim onderzoek, dat gevoerd wordt vanuit de taal van de nieuwe media. Het project onderzoekt het ...