Can Valldaura, located on the border between city and forest, between technology and nature. It houses the Self Sufficient Labs of Barcelona, working with local business, cutting-edge technology, leading academic institutions and grassroots Permaculture activists. The project reaches out to anyone wanting to explore the dynamic edge created as these different worlds collide. And to those inspired by the idea of studying the interface and interactions of urban and natural landscapes, to develop ecologically designed systems that have the stability of nature while still providing the daily needs of the Valldaura community and leisure and resources for the local population.
A workshop on the monitoring of bees and their immediate ecology is part of the permaculture master course.
The workshop is developed by Annemie Maes (OKNO, Brussels) Jamie Nicol, Ana Martinez, Claudia Nieto (Self Sufficient Labs Valldaura), John Rees, Ferran Masip, Jonathan Minchin (Fablab Barcelona).
Can Valldaura – the Self Sufficient Labs and Green FabLab.
thursday 11/4
– introduction to bee monitoring
– introduction to the Intelligent Beehive project
– introduction to the production of Intelligent Beehives at the fablab
– installation of the OpenStructures Warré hives at Valldaura (search for best place)
friday 12/4
– about sensors and smart citizen shields for beehives
– install sensors in the Warré hives
– connect the sensors to the internet
– map the hives on the smart citizen map
– reconnect the Ciutdella beehives
saturday 13/4
– map the vegetation of the foraging areas at Valldaura
– map the vegetation of the foraging areas at Fablab BCN and Ciutadella
– build a herb spiral with melliferous and medicinal plants (permaculture)