2019 : DATAMI, Milano Digital Week, Italy

Ispirato dall’intelligenza, dalla complessità e dall’auto-organizzazione delle colonie di api, l’Intelligent Guerilla Beehive è un’installazione biologica (cioè una scultura costruita con materiali organici e utilizzando metodi di fabbricazione digitale open source come la stampa 3D) che fornisce agli spettatori un’esperienza visiva e audio artistica di attività all’interno e intorno ad un alveare. Le api sono bio-indicatori.

Riflettono la salute del loro ecosistema circostante, nonché gli effetti cumulativi di diversi inquinanti. Pesticidi, parassiti, inquinamento atmosferico e lo stato compromesso dei campi di foraggiamento delle api sono tra i principali fattori che minacciano le loro colonie. Per affrontarlo, l’artista ha creato un alveare radicalmente nuovo: l’Intelligent Guerrilla Beehive. Le api potrebbero sopravvivere in un ambiente urbano utilizzando queste tecniche di artisti innovativi e dati scientifici sulla biotecnologia? Guardate il biofilm sulla pelle di cellulosa superiore. Agisce come un biosensore, cambiando colore e producendo patterns che riflettono l’inquinamento ambientale.


La Bioartista AnneMarie Maes spiegherà la sua lunga ricerca per creare un alveare intelligent, mescolando la sua arte unica con la scienza per aiutare le api.


Milano Digital week 13-17 Marzo Giureconsulti palace, piazza Mercato 2, Milano European Commission – DG JRC SciArt Datami
JRC | SciArt | Resonances III |
Datami: Presentation Room Donzelli Exhibition
– 14-17 marzo

14/3/2019: 12:00-12:15 Resonances Exhibits: opening
Jutta Thielen-Del Pozo, Freddy P. Grunert & Adriaan Eeckels
12:15-13:00 Dialogue with artists & exhibit designer
Cristina Fiordimela, AnneMarie Maes, Roberto Paci Dalò, Giorgio Sancristoforo, Caroline Sinders, Jill Townsley e Alexander Väljamäe discuss their exhibits with visitors.

Visitors will have the opportunity to explore some of the exhibits from Resonances II and Resonances III in the Donzelli room:
14:00 – 19:00
– The Guerilla Beehive – Annemie Maes
– Space is the Place – Roberto Paci Dalò
– Radiation Grooves – Giorgio Sancristoforo
– Emotional Data inside of Algorithms – Caroline Sinders
– Forever-Do Jill Townsley

Room Parlamentino – 14 marzo 2019
14:30-15:00 SciArt project: Resonances III Festival JRC Ispra 2019 Datami
Presentation of SciArt project, European Commission’s Joint Research Centre. Dialogue between SciArt team, associate curator, exhibit designer, Resonances III

artists and JRC scientists.
Scientist: Jutta Thielen-Del Pozo, Adriaan Eeckels Associate Curator: Freddy Paul Grunert

The Guerilla Beehive Project
Inspired by the intelligence, complexity and self-organisation of bee colonies, the Intelligent Guerilla Beehive is a bio installation (i.e. a sculpture constructed from organic materials and using open source digital fabrication methods such as 3D printing) which provides viewers an artistic visual and audio experience of activities in and around a beehive.
Artist: AnneMarie Maes (lingua Inglese)

Digitranscope project
This JRC project shows the opportunities for new forms of policy analysis and targeting through the innovative use of data and the use of “digital twins”.
JRC scientists: Max Craglia, Marina Micheli, Marisa Ponti, Jiri Hradec and Henk Scholten, Marco Minghini e Alex Kotsev.

Digitranscope Experiment
Launch of an experiment in collaboration with the Milan Municipality on integrating administrative and citizen-generated data during the Digital Week. A demo of the mini survey (accessible via mobile phones) can be found at https://arcg.is/n51rO
JRC scientists: Max Craglia, Marina Micheli, Marisa Ponti, Jiri Hradec and Henk Scholten, Marco Minghini e Alex Kotsev.

Creating Forever-Do – JRC SciArt Resonances III
Invitation to partecipate to the future installation by artist Jill Townsley and researcher Carlo Ferigato, in collaboration with the MC3 Lab of the University Milano-Bicocca.
Artista: Jill Townsley

Emotional Data inside of Algorithms
People live fully, online and offline, but their lives in digital spaces often are reduced to data points. This talk covers online harassment, emotional trauma, and relationships in digital spaces.
Artist: Caroline Sinders (English)