2016 – THE RAW AND THE COOKED (TRANSMUTATIONS) – installation Berlin Wissenschaft Kolleg

With the installation The Raw and The Cooked, AnneMarie Maes researches the artistic possibilities of bioplastics. In her Laboratory for Form and Matter she studies the mechanisms by which nature operates and she investigates how she can use these processes to create her own organic materials. She experiments with a range of organic components and she measures their usability for potential art installations and design applications.
She questions what is natural and what it is not, what is fake or what is real. With the installation The Raw and The Cooked she tests our knowledge of visual perception and smells of a range of materials. In very simple objects she shows us the undiscerned beauty that surrounds us and she celebrates the cycles of material interactions, a rhythm in the process of making where the arts meet nature.

‘Colors’ – video 2’11”

Residents exhibition from the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
(Pia Jarrell – AnneMarie Maes – Olafur Eliasson + Luc Steels)
Villa Clara Angela – Koenigsallee 36 – 14193 Berlin Grunewald
Opening wednesday 8 June, 7pm to 10pm
open 9, 10, 11, 12 June from 2pm to 6pm

Introduction to the exhibition by Finbarr Barry Flood (art historian)
Look into the Box / Olafur Eliasson and Luc Steels