2012 – URBAN BEES BARCELONA – workshop

Annemie Maes is invited by Professor Josep Perello of the Universitat de Barcelona and the Barcelona Laboratori to introduce a series of workshops on Urban Beekeeping for artists and scientists.
The workshop offers the opportunity to work at the intersections of artistic, scientific and technological practices in the field of urban beekeeping. Urban bees are quality sensors of the city where we live but, how can we capture and decode all the information they provide? During these two days, we will build and install a kit of sensors in a hive at the Three Dragon Castle, in Parc de la Ciutadella, Barcelona, to obtain data from the inside and outside of the hive. Later, we will analyze and visualize data from a scientific and artistic point of view.
This first meeting aims to be the beginning of a community process among people looking for a sustainable city and committed to multidisciplinary and horizontal research.

workshop at the University of Barcelona (13/12/2012) and the Dragon Castle / Science Museum in the Ciutadella Park (14/12/2012)