Autopoietix – Intelligent Beehive as Architectural Data, 2017

editors: Dennis Dollens; authors: Dennis Dollens; title: BioIntelligent Beehive as Architectural Data; distribution:; ISBN:

I came to Maes’s work because her experiments connect living, intelligent systems and technology/biosciences with social (colony/urbanism) architectural and technological prototyping and experimentation. Her work illustrates radical and necessary ecological searches for sharing urban life. Equally, her toolset and research trajectory crosses paths with my own investigations, positing microbial life and algorithmic generation for bioremedial buildings — both, with the use of technology and instruments, such as scanning electron microscopes (SEM), sensors, and computation.

Dennis Dollens (author)
Dennis Dollens has a PhD in architecture and an MSc in eLearning both from the University of Edinburgh. He is based in Santa Fe, New Mexico and Barcelona Spain and teaches in the Bio-Digital Master Program at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya His most recent book is “Metabolic Architectures: Turing, Sullivan, Autopoiesis & AI.” His earlier book, DBA3: Autopoietic Architecture: Can Buildings Think?


BioIntelligent Beehive as Architectural Data:
The Republic of Urban Pollination:
Biofilms & Robobees:
Prototype – Sustainable Skins in Urban Metabolic Architectures: