AnneMarie Maes is a multi-media artist who has been studying the tight interactions and co-evolutions within urban ecosystems. In the open-air lab on the rooftop of her studio, she created an experimental garden and has been keeping bees in self-designed beehives, equipped to bring out hidden structures in the life of the colony. Her “field notes” provide an on-going source of inspiration for her artworks.
The Bee Laboratory, as well as the Laboratory for Form and Matter, where she experiments with bacteria and “living” textiles, open a framework that has been initiating a wide range of installations, photography works, sculptures, workshops and books. It is a long-term project on the edge of art, science and technology.
Alchimia Nova, AnneMarie Maes – 2016
SC / 184 pages / 21 x 14,8 cm
Published by MER. Paper Kunsthalle
Language EN
Authors: AnneMarie Maes, Luc Steels, Armin Medosch, Darko Fritz, Edith Doove
Design Studio Luc Derycke
Print Graphius, Gent
ISBN 978 94 9232 148 0
Price 25.00 euros
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Available at following libraries:
San Francisco, California: KADIST Art Center, library
Oakland, California: Mark Thompson’s Orn Honeybee Archive
Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Media Lab, library