Matter of Kinship – fieldnotes (Stolen Books, Pt – 2024)

title: Matter of Kinship; editors: Elsa Garcia, Oliver Leistert ; authors: Anne Marie Maes, Jonathan Minchin, Luc Steels, Teresa de Albuquerque, Alvaro Garcia de Zúniga ; distribution: Stolen Book Portugal; ISBN: 978-989-35589-0-4

This publication is one of the outcomes of Anne Marie Maes’ residency at the Casa de Mateus Foundation. It complements the exhibition ‘Matter of Kinship’ / ‘Matéria de Afinidades’.

“We are contaminated by our encounters; they change who we are as we make way for others. As contamination changes world-making projects, mutual worlds – and new directions – may emerge.”
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, The Mushroom at the End of the World

Matter of Kinship / Matéria de Afinidades (publication) – Anne Marie Maes for Mateus Foundation Portugal