A nourishing sunday-morning mask at the choosy juice bar in brussels.
Leave all masks for 15 minutes. Cleanse.
masque bonne mine:
1 carotte rappée / 1 jaune d’oeuf / 1 cuillère à café de crème fraiche / 1 c à c de huile d’olive.
masque lifting (peau sèche):
2 c à soupe crème fraiche / 1 blanc d’oeuf / ananas en purée.
masque peau grasse:
2 c à c argile verte / 3 c à c yaourt / 1 c à s miel / 1 c à c citron + comcombre sur les yeux.
masque peau sèche:
1/2 banane écrasé / 2 c à c miel / 1 c à c yaourt / 1 c à c huile d’amande douce.
Thursday august 7th 2008, we will meet in the conflict room and discuss the pamphlet ‘design your own utopia’. This publication encourages us to rethink our social model on a social, political, economical and philosophical level. A concrete question sheet helps you to sharpen your ideas, values, desires and relationships towards others. It creates a mental space to tune your expectations if you are dreaming about a common something…
reading reference:
Design Your Own Utopia
by Chaz Bufe with Libby Hubbard
ConflictRoom : week #32
Turnhoutsebaan 177 – Borgerhout – Antwerpen
Barefoot College has changed a lot compared to 36 years ago when we started. What is applicable in Tilonia – its overall vision – can be replicated anywhere else. In this country and abroad, but it needs a change of mindsets.
We are organized in a disorganized way. We have small committees for different topics. We have the housing committee, the water committee, the salary committee. Salaries can go up and down, depending on your performance. You have also the possibility to evaluate yourself. Poverty, teamwork, gender are all issues coming into play for evaluation. Points are added up, but nobody can get more than 100 U$.
The options are open. The organization is set up as a community so obviously there will always be somebody to run it. Continue reading →
[flashvideo filename=https://so-on.annemariemaes.net/SO-ON/films/MASA/TIN_MAHILA/nazma-448.flv width=448 height=252 image=https://so-on.annemariemaes.net/SO-ON/films/MASA/TIN_MAHILA/nazma.jpg /]
Nazma Nigam. Solar Lighting Engineer.
streaming video — 01:20
From the villagers I heard about a project providing work to illiterate women. When I came here I was scared because I never went to school. But people were I had to leave home early to come to work and traveling was difficult. My in-laws were not liking it as I gave not enough time to my children. After a while they agreed with the fact that I could stay on the campus with my children.
I started at Barefoot as a gardener but I needed more money to raise my kids. In the solar section they were looking for more people to help them with the village solar lighting systems I applied for that department and I started the training.
I followed the complete solar training. They explained me the colors of the circuit and after a while I understood the concept. Continue reading →
[flashvideo filename=https://so-on.annemariemaes.net/SO-ON/films/MASA/TIN_MAHILA/magan-448.flv width=448 height=252 image=https://so-on.annemariemaes.net/SO-ON/films/MASA/TIN_MAHILA/magan.jpg /]
Magan Kawar. Solar Lighting Engineer.
streaming video — 01:40
I belong to the Rajput-caste. The Rajput kings and queens were very rich, but there are also poor Rajputs.
My husband got to know about Barefoot College through a village politician and he came here to have a look. He really liked the College approach and he decided to stay. I followed my husband to Barefoot.
I got a lot of reactions from my village people that I wanted to get out of the purdah-system. Rajput woman are supposed to stay their whole life behind the purdah-curtain and are not allowed to see or meet other people. But I decided to go for the training anyway.
My family and my in-laws were afraid I wouldn’t be able to combine work, taking care of the kids and the household. But I convinced them that I would do everything to handle work and family and to manage all my work. And with the support of my husband I started my job at the college. Continue reading →
Presented as a preview for our upcoming-series
‘creative eco/techno gardening forgirlsandboys’ (2009-…) :
the cook, the artist, the engineer and their urban garden;
OKNO/so-on invites you to participate in the mini-DIY-workshop:
thursday 24 july 2008 at OKNO, 01pm till 6pm
en petit comité
drinks available, food only if we succeed!
free entrance for women and transgender (boys, be inventive!)
A Solar Cooker is a device that allows you to cook food using the sun’s energy as fuel.
+ Solar cooking is the simplest, safest, most convenient way to cook food without consuming fuels. But for hundreds of millions of people around the world who cook over fires fueled by wood, solar cooking is more than a choice.
+ Moderate cooking temperatures in simple solar cookers help preserve nutrients.
+ Smoke from cooking fires is a major cause of global warming.
+ Many solar cookers are portable, allowing for solar cooking at work sites or while pursuing outdoor activities like picnics, trekking or camping.
+ and so much more … read:
Continue reading →
Technology is a valuable input for social transformation, but the most important force is human agency and creativity: the microlevel initiatives and everyday activities of real human beings.
In following interviews the Barefoot Solar Engineers talk about their visions, methods and sources of inspiration to shape their future and bring social transformation.
For full interviews and background information, check the links on the playlist.
Scroll down for complete selection: Rami, Mangi, Leela, Magan, Sita, Shamma, Sargu and Nazma.
[flashvideo filename=https://so-on.annemariemaes.net/streaming_media/video/MASA/blender-masa.flv height=336 width=448 image=https://so-on.annemariemaes.net/streaming_media/video/MASA/blender.jpg /]
Check the links on the playlist for more info on the videos.
Scroll down for complete selection.
[flashvideo filename=http://opengreens.archive.okno.be/wp-content/plugins/flash-video-player/barefoot_presentation.xml width=448 height=500 displayheight=248 overstretch=false thumbsinplaylist=true /]