In the context of the TIK festival (Time Inventors’ Kabinet) we host a round table THE RAW AND THE COOKED on urban agriculture and other bottom up solutions for future cities. What is the commitment of the people behind these ecological projects and communities?
Diverse topics will be discussed :
urban voids, open source, DIY, appropriation of space, guerilla gardening, water, food sovereignty, GMO, information, sharing of knowledge, bio diversity, (city) ecology, community building, urban planning, urban agriculture, the food chain between the city and the countryside, bio-corridors, … and many more — and what art has to do with all these initiatives.
The ‘format’ for the round table discussions goes as follows:
Setting : we start at 3pm, we will share around the long table at the meeting-place of the festival center @ okno. During the presentations, we will serve homemade snacks and drinks.
To open the discussion, we will ask all the brussels organisations to present their projects in a very short, condensed way. We ask you to focus on one specific quality of the project, an element that is very important for you in the process of realisation.
the “Brussel’s “projects are:
– barbara van dyck / field liberation (on food sovereignty)
– jeroen verhoeven / bral (on guerilla gardening)
– stephane Kampelmann / centre d’ecologie urbaine (on awaress raising and information)
– sofie van bruystegem / citymind (on water)
– trudo engels and loes / nadine (on vertical gardening and other strange solutions)
– filippo dattola / potager-toit (on community gardens and community building)
– aurelie de smet / urban planner (on urban voids and appropriation by the citizens)
After a short break, we will ask the TIK artists to comment on the above presentations. TIK memebers represent art/social organisations working around similar topics as the presented ones.
We ask following people to comment on your presentations, to start the discussion.
To the people below: please comment on 1 quality that struck you the most in the presentations, and tell us why. How do you do it? differently? the same way? why?
comments by:
– verena kuni (Goethe University Frankfurt) ecology, bio diversity, time, art
– kyd campbell (berlin), eco-artist DIY
– lenka dolanova (praag) eco-curator, beekeeper
– lorena lozana (Gijon, Spain – ecolab laboral) biologist and artist
– reni hofmueller (graz, austria) gestettnerin and eco-artist, satellite specialist
– stefan (ljubljana, slovenia) architect, artist with DIY electronics and community gardens
– ralf schreiber (koln) eco electronics artist
– christian faubel (koln) neural networks specialist, inspired by robo-kids
– stefanie wuschitz (miss balthazar) eco-artist en DIY
and of course the whole OKNO-crew, and especially Annemie, Guy en Luea.