a workshop about a hypothetical content, method and style for new ecological media writing today. 17-19 November 2010 @ OKNO – Brussels
In a concise 3-day program, we try to lay the foundations for a common style in treating the TIK themes and materials. Conform to the purpose of the 2-year project, and its bottom-up but collaborative strategies, we deal with the several blind spots that are still open, for thinking about a changed creative output in any media form: text, code, image, sound, word,…
The real subject of workshops is closely related to the TIK project scheme and deals with:
– the available documentation of the previous events and activities
– the representation and creative media writing throughout the project
– the outline of a common strategy for dealing with artistic research currently
– the content of the future conferences and publications
Daily we organize 5 short and to-the-point 1-hour sessions: working scheme, theoretical intro, practical exercises, evaluation/aftertalk and online reviewing. The themes of the planned days are as following:
05.11.2010 // 18h: Preliminary online preparation: a TIK chat on Guy Fawkes’ Night… (check wikipedia)
17.11.2010 // 11h: OKNO brussels : Introduction, and the TIK-methodology of writing with all-media
18.11.2010 // 11h: OKNO brussels : Aestetical, and stylistic considerations of TIK-writing with media
19.11.2010 // 11h: OKNO brussels : From papers to abstractions, or how TIK-writing can make media
Tic [pronounced: tik] = a habitual spasmodic contraction of the muscles; origin early 19th cent., from Italian “ticchio”