Honey bees use caves, rock cavities and hollow trees as natural nesting sites. The nest is composed of multiple honeycombs, parallel to each other, with a relatively uniform bee space. It usually has a single entrance. Western honey bees prefer … nest cavities approximately 45 litres in volume and avoid those smaller than 10 or larger than 100 litres. Western honey bees show several nest-site preferences: the height above ground is usually between 1 metre and 5 metres, entrance positions tend to face downward (rain protection), South to South/East-facing entrances are favored, and nest sites over 300 metres from the parent colony are preferred. A hive body full of bees, brood, and honey should weigh about 40kg. Bees usually occupy nests for several years. (edit from diff. sources)
Development of the Elbbienen Guerrilla Beehive
Implementation in situ, Enternwerder Hamburg
Some context: https://annemariemaes.net/presentations/bee-laboratory-presentations-2/2019-elbbienen-in-hamburg-machine-art-in-public-space/