name: l’Orto Invisibile, year start: 2014, year end: 2015, techniques: 15 photographs (250mmx380mm each) total size 1m80 x 1m25 on dibond + databases on server with texts, movies and images

L’orto Invisibile is dedicated to the documentation of the large-scale installation ‘the Invisible Garden’.
During 3 months, an indoor ecosystem (the Invisible Garden in the Buda Factory) is observed in a naturalist way and the monitorings are scrutinously documented in several databases. I am particularly interested in how the life style of an organism (be it a plant or an animal born in the indoor garden) fits in with the other organisms living around it. I observe everything that goes on in this community, how species deal with their natural ennemies. I study the food web (the network of feeding relationships, of eating and being eaten), between plants and insects. I study the decomposition of dead leaves by fungi and bacteria. I take pictures to compare different stages of evolution, and samples to study under the microscope.
One of my aims is to make visitors look at the world differently.

Our world is far richer than previously conceived, yet so ravaged by human activity that half its species could be gone by the end of the present century. These two contrasting themes–unexpected magnificence and underestimated peril–have originated during the past two decades of research. IN The Future of Life, Edgar O.Wilson, one of our greatest living scientists describes exactly what treasures of the natural world we are about to lose forever and what we can do right now to save them. Destruction of natural habitats, the rampant spread of invasive species, pollution, uncontrolled population growth and overharvesting are the main threats to our natural world. Wilson explains how each of these elements works to undo the web of life that supports us, and why it is in our best interests to stop it.

15 impressions of L’Orto Invisibile

The garden is arranged in 4 zones and each of them is documented seperately. The relations between the different zones and the general observations relating to all 4 zones are noted down in the overview ‘the Invisible Garden’:
the Invisible Garden / l’Orto Invisibile
the Edible Forest Garden zone
the Mediterranean Garden zone
the Medicinal Herbs zone
the Vegetable Garden zone

screenshots from the the garden zones’ databases

l’Orto Invisibile and excerpt from ‘the Beekeepers’ of Pieter Breughel the Elder