MICROBIAL LIFE (installation, 2023)

Title: Microbial Life; year: 2023; materials: Soil Bacteria, Rainwater, medium, grow lamps, glass, pedestals, video; dimensions: 2m x 2m x 2m

‘Microbial Life’ focuses on the transformative power of soil bacteria. The installation shows the result of a scientific experiment named ‘Winogradski Columns’. Soil samples (a highly diverse micro-ecosystem of soil bacteria and algae) were cultured for several weeks. The sealed cultures were developing independently over time, and the bacterial communities were slowly changing color, thereby forming textures and patterns in response to the environmental elements such as oxygen, light and temperature. The installation thus functions as a portrait of the region where the soil samples were taken (the garden of N.A! Project in Brunstatt, Alsace) and represent the detailed complexity of that local environment, through its genetic, bacterial and geological profile.
At regular intervals, the responses of the microorganisms to the changing light and temperature were monitored with a microscope, in collaboration with the microbiologists of the University of Strasbourg. This footage is edited into a videoloop that is part of the installation, and that can be read as the communication between the bacterial communities.

‘Microbial Life’ – installation @ La Kunsthalle Mulhouse

‘Microbial Life’ focustop de transformerende kracht van bodembacteriën. De installatie toont het resultaat van een wetenschappelijk experiment genaamd ‘Winogradski Columns’. Bodemmonsters (een zeer divers micro-ecosysteem van bodembacteriën en algen) werden gedurende enkele weken opgekweekt. De verzegelde culturen ontwikkelden zich in de loop van de tijd onafhankelijk van elkaar en de bacteriegemeenschappen veranderden langzaam van kleur en vormden zo texturen en patronen in reactie op omgevingselementen zoals zuurstof, licht en temperatuur. De installatie fungeert dus als een portret van het gebied waar de bodemmonsters zijn genomen (de tuin van N.A! Project in Brunstatt, Alsace) en geeft de gedetailleerde complexiteit weer van het lokale milieu via zijn genetische, bacteriële en geologische profiel.
Op regelmatige tijdstippen werden de reacties van de micro-organismen op het veranderende licht en de temperatuur gevolgd met een microscoop, in samenwerking met de microbiologen van de Universiteit van Straatsburg. Deze beelden zijn gemonteerd tot een videoloop die deel uitmaakt van de installatie, en die kan worden gelezen als de communicatie tussen de bacteriegemeenschappen.

‘Microbial Life’ – installation @ La Kunsthalle Mulhouse (detail), 2023

New pictures of the installation ‘Microbial Life’ as it is installed at the N.A! (Nature Addicts) Foundation (part of Solinest S.A.) in Brunswick, Alsace, France. The pictures are made on 02.08.2024, nearly 2 years after the workshop at the Kunsthalle Mulhouse, during which we created the Winogradski Columns together with the N.A! Ambassadors. Therefore, we worked with a diversity of soil samples from the garden of the N.A! Foundation. The samples developed in a very interesting way, the soil bacteria give us a beautiful palet of colours, together they draw a nice rendering of the Alsace location, influenced by the pH and mineral content of the local soil.

Winagradski Colums containing the work ‘Microbial Life’, installed at the N.A! Foundation (Solinest) in Brunswick, Alsace (photo dd. 02.08.2024)