Tag Archives: ecology and biodiversity

seminar: Art, Science and Ecology at Pixelache09

Pixelache 09 features a seminar (in Finnish) and a series of presentations and discussions (in English) related to theme Art, Science & Ecology.
This theme aims to bring together local and international environmental scientists and artists. The programme will feature presentations about recent art/science collaborations and discussions about working methods and shared interests.
We will also explore what could be done with the real-time energy consumption data recently released by Helsingin Energia (see below) together with the participants of Digital Craftsmanship and Audiovisual Hacking themes.

info: seminar Art, Science & Ecology

ferry drifting ice baltic sea suommalinna island helsinki

DIY solar cooker workshop

the fun panel solar cooker cut the aluminium paper testing it out! setting up the cooker on okno's rooftop domes and cookers

calculation and cutting finished! second try solar cooking rice and vegetables so-on rooftop solar cooking

Thursday 24 july 10 women (and 3 man) gatered at okno to build solar cookers. It was a sunny day, luckily.
In 2 hours time we built 3 umbrella-cookers and 3 fun-panel/cookit cookers. We started some cooking tests around 4.30 pm. The sunmoved fast and we had to adjust the cookers all the time. Than came the wind and he blew our pots away. Finally we cooked a simple meal on okno’s electric plates.

For pictures, go the the photo-album page and select solar_cooking: brussels.
Sofie, Marthe, Shelbatra, Wendy, Billy, Tina, Sara, Christina, Audrey, Annemie, Wouter, Fabrice and Rene. Continue reading

xmedk // st.erme, france

“[T]here are other things that need doing, and one of these is the development of an imaginary of technology, an understanding of its poetics and a testing manifestation of those poetics in ways that allow us to think and sense through what that technology is.” — Matt Fuller

Following the path laid out in “Towards an Ecology of MediaEcology” FoAM, Nadine and OKNO will conclude the .x-med-k. series with a final workshop in Saint Erme, France.

In this workshop, the three organisations explore media and media technologies as an ecosystem, deeply networked. At an isolated location in the Champagne region, participants will gather for a week of workshops, reflection and practical sessions around the themes of networks, collaborative projects and Tech-Nouveau. The workshop will take an ‘Open Space’ approach, and all participants will be expected to take an active role in shaping their activities.

OKNO will bring it’s wireless routers to craft a local wireless network extended to serve as an artistic medium. FoAM will undertake hands-on experiments with simulated biological systems, experiments which will be extended along with ad-hoc discussions regarding complexity, whole-systems, patterns, biomorphism and biomimetics in physical and simulated lifeforms and ecosystems. Participants are also invited to contribute to collaborative projects, developed throughout the week, guided by Nadine.

The .x-med-k.workshop-series is a collaboration between OKNO, Nadine and FoAM, supported by VAF (Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds).

vandana shiva :: eco-feminist

For video-interview with Vandana Shiva, check the category 'media'.

“The primary threat to nature and people today comes from centralising and monopolising power and control. Not until diversity is made the logic of production will there be a chance for sustainability, justice and peace. Cultivating and conserving diversity is no luxury in our times: it is a survival imperative.” Vandana Shiva

Vandana Shiva is one of the world’s most dynamic and provacative thinkers. A physicist, ecologist, and activist, she won the Right Livelihood Award in 1993. She directs the Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Natural Resource Policy in New Delhi, India, and is an Associate Editor of The Ecologist magazine. Before becoming an activist, Shiva was one of India’s leading physicists.
Vandana Shiva has devoted her life to fighting for the rights of ordinary people in India. Her fierce intellect and her disarmingly friendly, accessible manner have made her a valuable advocate for people all over the developing world.

Navdanya :: the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology
Diverse Women for Diversity

the struggle for truth :: barefoot practical


The training is non-structured and informal, incorporating on-the-job learning while earning.

– learning from doing and mutual interaction, not through formal classroom teaching
– emphasis on practical experience; little or no importance given to paper qualifications
– the belief is that the educational system today cannot judge the worth and value of persons. Passing exams, getting degrees is no guarantee that they are either valuable or necessary for the development of rural communities. The crucial question is: can they work with their hands?
– to prevent environmental degradation and to make communities sustainable, the answer is for them to finally depend on each other and use existing village skills for their own development.
– Tilonia’s role is to facilitate a process that allows for self reliance, self respect and dignity. It is not to increase dependency on urban professionals and skills. Continue reading

DIY windturbine workshop

Through a series of workshops we will explore the wireless network, its technology, topology, implementation and usability. The series of workshops will be closing with a one week hands-on workshop where the participants will work together building a temporary wireless network, connecting clients to it and sending all sorts of data over the network.

mesh networks workshop: 21-27 january 2008
windpower workshop (DIY): 20-21 february 2008
closing workshop – artmeshnetwork: 19-26 april / st.erme, France

Self sustainable units
The unit(s) will be made self sustainable by the use of solar or wind power and because they are using wireless technology there is no need for any demand of infrastructure on the location(s) where these units will be positioned.
The location of the units is very important for the choice of the alternative energy source that will be used. In Brussels we should defenitely opt for the wind turbine (or a hybird system with solar) while on other locations solar would be a better choice.
Since we have 2 working units (for now), it would be good to rig one with a wind turbine and the other with a solar system.
In the case of a wind turbine the choice of which type of turbine depends on how steady the wind is on the location. When the winds are directional steady a horizontal turbine needs to be used, when there is a lot of turbulant wind a vertical turbine needs to be used.
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