Tag Archives: soundart

happy new festival : klinkende stad 2010


MAHILA is a multi media project that engages with women empowerment in small communities, here especially focused on Indian countrywomen affected by climate change. The project is presented in a twofold installation. One room unveils a multiple speaker ante-chamber that guides to the second room where a film is shown. The first room gives a taste of the material and atmosphere that the artists captured during their research in India. By the use of polyphonic principles and theatrical setups Billy Bultheel creates a simple yet elegant sound installation approaching the contemplative Indian landscape.
The second room shows a film made by Annemie Maes, which is a reflective documentary on women empowerment, going from west to east and vice versa.
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imaginary landscape :: I am not there

cagehappening at concertgebouw Brugge.

[flashvideo filename=https://so-on.annemariemaes.net/SO-ON/audiostuff/carillon-cage.mp3 width=200 height=20 /]
performance for carillon: imaginary landscape nr.3
(soundquality: open-air recording with mobile phone)

I have nothing to say /
and I am saying it /
and that is poetry /
as I needed it.
[ John Cage :: lecture on nothing / silence ]