31 January 2016, 3-6PM – SciArt Café at artlaboratory-berlin.org.
The iGEM team Berlin presents their fourth SciArt Cafe.
Under the main theme of “Programming Life – Good Code/ Bad Code?” we will hear scientists and artists working with bioscience and afterwards discuss topics of synthetic biology. Join us on the 31th of January from 3.00 – 6.00 pm at Art Laboratory Berlin. After four warm up talks at ArtLaboratory Berlin, we will start the discussion over food and drinks. Continue reading →
authors: the artists, scientists and designers of the x-med-a workshops, editors: OKNO (AnneMarie Maes), FoAM (Maja Kuzmanovic), nadine (nadine), Imal (Yves Bernard), title: x-med-a (2006), ISBN 9081073311
The review originated from a series of technically and artistically diverse workshops, organised by four independent technological arts initiatives in Brussels: FoAM, nadine, OKNO, and iMAL. The workshops responded to the need for a place where continuous learning and dialogue between peers is encouraged, with the objective of sharing of experience, skills and knowledge among diverse groups interested in emerging ideas, media and technologies. Continue reading →